Powered by Pangolin | Pangolin Laser Systems

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Illuminate Adelaide 2022

Photo Rights and Credits to Tyr Liang. The second season of Illuminate Adelaide's Light Cycles by Moment Factory returned to light up the night at Adelaide Botanic Garden in Australia.  Created by ...

Deftones and Gojira Perform in Spring 2022 Tour

Photo Credit: Kate Klaus Photography On April 14th, the Spring 2022 tour for alt-metal legends Deftones and Gojira finally commenced, which was postponed twice due to the pandemic. Needless to say...

Nameless Music Festival 2022 - Italy's Biggest Dance Festival

Photo Credit: Effetto Laser  From June 2-5, 2022 Italy's biggest dance festival Nameless Music Festival kicked off in Annone di Brianza, Italy, impressing party-goers with great lighting design by...

DJ Alan Walker Performs at Sunburn Festival

Photo Credit: Fleckmedia (Instagram) Sunburn Festival made a massive comeback featuring one of the world's best DJs, Alan Walker.  Attendees were wowed by the DJ's exhilarating performances for fo...

BeamBrush™ Graphic Laser Show by Peterjan Ruysch

  Pangolin's CTO William Benner worked on some custom programming for 3D Studio MAX, and collaborated with a well known long-time user and friend Pieterjan Ruysch, who took these custom tools and ...

Motivation Monday Laser Show | Need You By Lyra Letourneau

We're back with another #MotivationMonday, featuring the incredible laser show "Need You", made by our Creative Director, Lyra Letourneau. If you don't follow us on Facebook and missed last weeks...

Creating A Real-time Interactive Laser Display With BEYOND

  Back in November of 2019, Mitsuru Takeuchi, an artist, and programmer/engineer used BEYOND Ultimate and the BEYOND SDK, to create a real-time laser display to project onto the Yokohama Customs B...

Motivation Monday Laser Show | Aquarius By Lyra Letourneau

We at Pangolin thought with all that is going on, it would be a great time to introduce a new trend among the laser industry called #MotivationMonday Every Monday for the next few months, we'll s...

50,000 Frame Laser Show!

Creating a 100-frame laser show can be tedious depending on the complexity of the frames, so could you imagine creating a 50,000-frame laser show? Quite a few late nights, many red bulls, and imme...