We Love Houston Sign, Laser Light Show | Pangolin Laser Systems

We Love Houston Sign, Laser Light Show


Founder & Owner: John Dickson, was originally introduced to lasers after his time in the United States Marine Corps. John was fascinated and began exploring more into laser technology. In 2012, John saw the potential that the technology contained for entertainment industry, and eventually formed a partnership with Meganne Money, both making it their mission to make it their expertise and solo focus. In 2018, JD3 Lasers LLC was created, and both John and Meganne made it their main focus and full-time careers.


“The first step of the project was to visit the site and take pictures of the approximate angle the laser projector was planned to be set at” said John. Then next step was to utilize the power of Pangolin BEYOND’s frame editor so that they could create a laser projectable image into a single laser graphic. “In order to program the show as desired, we have to disassemble the image into separate cues on a fresh page in our BEYOND workspace. After that, we placed the cues on the BEYOND timeline with our audio tracks, to seamlessly sync the audio with the added frames and effects from beginning to the end.” – said John. John and Meganne worked together, combining their skills to produce their best work.

After the show design was completed at home, they waited until all attractions in the area of the landmark were closed, then proceeded to safely project, and stretch out their graphic perfectly into position. Making sure that the beam attenuation map was set perfectly, helping to decrease the risk of any rogue beams slipping into unwanted space for the following nights reveal. To stay completely, or as unnoticed as possible, a test run was ran at the lowest possible brightness, and then the setup was quickly disassembled.

Apart of fun was that the locations were not promoted, giving a “renegade vibe”, and making random appearances adds to the fun of what JD3 is creating. To run power, JD3 used a power inverter to run power from a car battery, and to the laser, as well as assembling a small crew that assisted with a small amount of various audio equipment and power to generate it.

A Complete Success

“We successfully demonstrated the enchanting potential for laser artistry, inspired by our innovative and comprehensive use of the BEYOND Essentials software, and achieved our goal to setup a colorful and immersive show that severs to highlight the existing artwork in Houston”. – JD3 Lasers

We Love Houston was a complete success, showing how anyone can use laser projectors alongside laser mapping software to create a perfect new form of artistic value to older landmarks and artwork. We want to give a special thanks to John Dickson & Maganne Money, for giving us an inside look on what they’re doing inside their own community with lasers, and how their innovating the use of laser projectors and BEYOND software.

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