Jean-Michel Jarre one of the outstanding artist using lasers in his performances started a tour of North America, withperformances in New York, Toronto, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and other cities In May 2017.
Most electronic music is inherently visual, but Jarre’s stage presentation is a veritable symphony of synchronised images and sound.
Known for his visually expressive show setup, Jarre’s stage presentation combines lasers, lighting and sound to create whole new visual worlds.
His live performance is contains handcrafted work and Jean-Michel Jarre know how to impress the audience.
The Laser Harp, has become a signature visual centerpiece of Jarre’s show for decades. Jarre uses it in the song “The Time Machine.” and creates a remarkable evergreen by that.
The technique used is, every time Jarre breaks the laser beams, or a beam, streaming from his Laser Harp, this action triggers an MIDI event on a synthesizer. Justin Perry, chief operation officer at Pangolin Laser Systems, Inc., manufacturer of the Beyond laser control and multi-media software system explains what Jarre uses on his tour.
“There are some misconceptions about Jarre’s Laser Harp. The classic laser harp that general consumers buy is not what Jarre has. His harp is intuitive. When he breaks the beam it will execute a function, just like a normal laser harp. However, as he moves his hand up or down within the laser beam, that creates additional effects. In our Beyond software, there’s a tool called ‘scripting.’ Scripting allows the user to write a custom code command. If you break the laser beam and want to trigger, say, a burst effect, you can do that. That’s what they’re doing on Jarre’s tour.”
“The harp communicates with our Beyond software, which sends a signal to our FB4 media server inside the laser projectors. Inside every laser projector is a motor called an optical scanning system, which we now manufacture. Laser Image, out of the Netherlands, built our FB4 media server into their laser projectors. The FB4 supports all major lighting and laser protocols, network, DMX, Art-Net, OSC timecode, the old school laser protocols, like ILDA … It also has onboard SD card memory, so regardless of how an individual wishes to control the lasers, be it from a console, computer, or a laser harp, which is what Jean-Michel Jarre does, they can do that. An Art-Net feed is going to the back of the lasers, and our software is running on a PC in the background. Jarre is able to control and manipulate content in real time from the grandMA2.”