Contenu Laser, pour Lighting Designers | Nouveau FB4 Content Pack | Pangolin Laser Systems

Contenu Laser, pour Lighting Designers | Nouveau FB4 Content Pack

Among several other new releases featured at Prolight+Sound Frankfurt 2019, we were excited to showcase our brand new FB4 Content Pack. 

The purpose behind the new FB4 Content Pack is to make native control of a lasers from a lighting desk - without the need for software, easier for show creators. 

The content pack starts with a collection of stock "laser gobos", featuring basic shapes (circles, squares, triangles, etc.) in white colors, which can then be further built out directly from the desk (adding things like colors, effects, and more). 

From there, we also include a great database of "high impact" laser gobos with the collection, which can also be modified and controlled from the desk of your choice. 

You can then access that content from your given console (MA, Avo, Hog, ETC, ChamSys, etc.), so you can control the content stored on the FB4, without any need for software running in the background. 

If you want to create advanced custom looks in addition to what is provided, you can simply use the content creation software we provide with FB4 (such as QuickShow or BEYOND) to design your own laser gobos which can then also be stored on the FB4, and then called up and controlled from the desk - Again, without having software in use, at the actual show production.

So you as a lighting designer are "plug and play" right out of the box, but also have the creative freedom you need, to design and configure shows to your specific liking. 

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Aperçu du Show entier - Prolight+Sound Francfort 2019
KINETIC LASERS - Nouveau plugin pour le logiciel BEYOND



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